Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fernand Léger

Fernand Léger, photo by Carl Van Vechten

Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, 

Van Vechten Collection.

Joseph Fernand Henri Léger (February 4, 1881 – August 17, 1955) was a French painter, sculptor, and filmmaker.

In 1924, in collaboration with Dudley Murphy, George Antheil, and Man Ray, Léger produced and directed the iconic and Futurism-influenced film, Ballet Mécanique (Mechanical Ballet). Neither abstract nor narrative, it is a series of images of a woman's lips and teeth, close-up shots of ordinary objects, and repeated images of human activities and machines in rhythmic movement. [Eliel 2001, p. 44.]

Watch Mechanical Ballet on YouTube:

For more of Fernand's artwork visit the Art Institute of Chicago.

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